Transformation & Healing
The Power Lies Within
Darla uses her own unique and fluid processes, as well as a modality that she personally developed, I Am Limitless™, to facilitate transformation and healing. She customizes transformation and healing based upon client need and interest. I Am Limitless™ is a modality, system and processes for individual transformation, healing and growth – including knowledge, awareness and expansion, as well as vibrational shifts to address fears, beliefs and patterns that are not helpful or productive in the pursuit and achievement of life goals. Lasting healing and change take place through healing and shifts made not only on the physical level, but also the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. During the facilitation of healing, Darla strives to support the body’s natural abilities to heal itself.
Her philosophy on transformation and healing facilitation is based upon the premise that healing, transformation and change begin at the soul level and are fundamentally a co-creative process between the person seeking transformation, healing and/or growth and that same person’s soul.
Darla supports self-empowerment in one’s own healing process and believes strongly in a complementary approach to healing - utilizing traditional eastern and/or western medicine along with other healing approaches and modalities as appropriate. One of Darla’s life callings is to teach others how to facilitate their own transformation, healing and growth. This self-empowered approach and actualization is one way that I Am Limitless™ can be realized for individual and greater good.
For much of her life, Darla has had an interest in healing energies. She has been trained and/or certified in several healing modalities including Reiki (Reiki Master), Integrated Energy Therapy®, ThetaHealing®, Holographic Sound Healing, and Past-Life Therapy.
Darla facilitates both individual and group transformation and healing sessions. See Connect in Spirit™ for events, training and additional information.