Let’s Connect!!
Events and trainings are posted here. Check back regularly for updates. Be sure and sign up to receive our newsletter and you will be notified via email of events and new training.

Connect in Spirit™: Messages from Beyond - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
Darla Gray facilitates Connect in Spirit™: Messages from Beyond which includes evidence of life after death and healing messages from loved ones in spirit for some in attendance, and insightful messages from high vibrational collective consciousness for others. A Certified Grief Educator, healing facilitator and intuitive medium, Darla connects and delivers evidential details and messages to support healing.

Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - Friday, October 18, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
Explore your own creative, manifesting and healing powers
Strengthen connections and improve relationships
Expand your awareness, thinking & perception
Tap into your inner peace, joy and innate wellness
Come to this event with something specific that you’d like to work on, address or change about yourself, or your role in your own life.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Transform Your Life - Registration for 10.18.24

Connect in Spirit™: Messages from Beyond - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
Darla Gray facilitates Connect in Spirit™: Messages from Beyond which includes evidence of life after death and healing messages from loved ones in spirit for some in attendance, and insightful messages from high vibrational collective consciousness for others. A Certified Grief Educator, healing facilitator and intuitive medium, Darla connects and delivers evidential details and messages to support healing.

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.

Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - Friday, October 18, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
Explore your own creative, manifesting and healing powers
Strengthen connections and improve relationships
Expand your awareness, thinking & perception
Tap into your inner peace, joy and innate wellness
Come to this event with something specific that you’d like to work on, address or change about yourself, or your role in your own life.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Transform Your Life - Registration for 10.18.24

Metaphysical Perspective™: Questions & Answers - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Metaphysical Perspective™: Questions & Answers - Friday, October 11, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Online Event
Bring your metaphysical questions and we will endeavor to answer them with help from Spirit.
Do you have burning metaphysical or supernatural questions?
Have you, or someone you know been having strange, or new and different metaphysical, or supernatural experiences?
Do you have questions about your abilities (empathy, intuition, intuitive, mediumistic, etc.) … or what you’ve been experiencing?
Metaphysical is defined by Merriam Webster as:
Of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses
Whether you choose to ask a question, or simply listen and observe the questions asked by others in attendance, this event will be fun and enlightening!
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Metaphysical Perspective™- Registration for 10.11.24

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - Friday, September 27, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Inspired Insights - Registration for 09.27.24

Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - Friday, August 30, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
Explore your own creative, manifesting and healing powers
Strengthen connections and improve relationships
Expand your awareness, thinking & perception
Tap into your inner peace, joy and innate wellness
Come to this event with something specific that you’d like to work on, address or change about yourself, or your role in your own life.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Transform Your Life - Registration for 08.30.24

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - Friday, August 9, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Inspired Insights - Registration for 08.09..24

Wellness Expo - Grapevine, TX (Day 2)
Intuitive Medium - Darla Gray - Connect in Spirit Gathering - Mediumship Demonstration - Connect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit - Saturday, July 20, 2024: 1:30 pm - Wellness Expo - Grapevine Texas - Visit Darla's Booth for information on Alchemy of Insights™ online events and 1:1 consultations - Saturday, July 20, 2024: 11am- 6pm & Sunday, July 21, 2024: 11am- 6pm - Intuitive - Mediumship - Soul to Soul - Life Strategy - Healing - Grief Integration - Transformation consultations.
Darla is a Certified Grief Educator, transformation & healing facilitator, life strategist, and intuitive medium who connects with loved ones in spirit. She delivers evidential details and messages to support the healing process. Darla offers intuitive, mediumship, soul to soul, transformation & healing consultations, healing circles, and a grief support group, as well as training and development circles in person and online.

Wellness Expo - Grapevine, TX (Day 1)
Intuitive Medium - Darla Gray - Connect in Spirit Gathering - Mediumship Demonstration - Connect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit - Saturday, July 20, 2024: 1:30 pm - Wellness Expo - Grapevine Texas - Visit Darla's Booth for information on Alchemy of Insights™ online events and 1:1 consultations - Saturday, July 20, 2024: 11am- 6pm & Sunday, July 21, 2024: 11am- 6pm - Intuitive - Mediumship - Soul to Soul - Life Strategy - Healing - Grief Integration - Transformation consultations.
Darla is a Certified Grief Educator, transformation & healing facilitator, life strategist, and intuitive medium who connects with loved ones in spirit. She delivers evidential details and messages to support the healing process. Darla offers intuitive, mediumship, soul to soul, transformation & healing consultations, healing circles, and a grief support group, as well as training and development circles in person and online.

Supercharge Your Superpower™: Focus on Empathy - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Supercharge Your Superpower™: Focus on Empathy - Friday, July 19, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Online Event
Did you know that we each have our own superpowers? Just like superheroes in the movies, we have abilities that are barely known and understood, much less effectively managed and leveraged toward the greatest good. When we manage our superpowers well, we are happiest, healthiest, most effective - and in the momentum to achieve and maintain success in our lives. Not managing our superpowers effectively can cause unhappiness, illness, stress, chaos and wreak havoc in our lives and the lives of others. At this event, we’ll be focusing on the superpower of empathy which can be your greatest strength when managed well. Let’s supercharge your empathy superpower by learning how to set boundaries, what works and what does not, how to better manage the ability and turn it into a strength (if it’s not already), as well as appreciate and leverage one of your greatest superpowers!
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Supercharge Your Superpower™- Registration for 07.19.24

Metaphysical Perspective™: Questions & Answers - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Metaphysical Perspective™: Questions & Answers - Friday, July 5, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Online Event
Bring your metaphysical questions and we will endeavor to answer them with help from Spirit.
Do you have burning metaphysical or supernatural questions?
Have you, or someone you know been having strange, or new and different metaphysical, or supernatural experiences?
Do you have questions about your abilities (empathy, intuition, intuitive, mediumistic, etc.) … or what you’ve been experiencing?
Metaphysical is defined by Merriam Webster as:
Of or relating to the transcendent or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses
Whether you choose to ask a question, or simply listen and observe the questions asked by others in attendance, this event will be fun and enlightening!
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Metaphysical Perspective™- Registration for 07.05.24

Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - Friday, June 28, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
Explore your own creative, manifesting and healing powers
Strengthen connections and improve relationships
Expand your awareness, thinking & perception
Tap into your inner peace, joy and innate wellness
Come to this event with something specific that you’d like to work on, address or change about yourself, or your role in your own life.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Transform Your Life - Registration for 06.28.24

Manifest Your Mojo: How to Get What You Want in Life - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Manifest Your Mojo: How to Get What You Want in Life - Saturday, June 22, 2024 at 2:00 pm CST - Online Event
Your mojo is your seemingly supernatural power, influence or ability. The primary keys to unlock effective manifestation of your mojo, more of what you want and consequently transform your life into your best life will be unveiled at this event.
Darla is a life strategist, healing facilitator and intuitive medium who has studied and practiced the art of manifestation throughout her life. At this event, she shares the highlights of her own manifestation process and practice, as well as what has worked (and what has not worked!) – including some of the high points and the low points in calibrating her manifesting mojo in her own life to peace, happiness and the heights of success.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Manifest Your Mojo™- Registration for 06.22.24

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - Friday, June 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Inspired Insights - Registration for 06.21..24

Connect in Grief™: When Loved Ones in Spirit Communicate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Connect in Grief™: When Loved Ones in Spirit Communicate - Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Online Event
At this event, Certified Grief Educator, healing facilitator and intuitive Medium, Darla Gray, will share concepts, lead a discussion, answer questions, and facilitate an “ADC Share” in which attendees share their own experiences about when their loved ones in spirit have communicated directly through After-Death Communication (often referred to as ADC), which is a spontaneous phenomenon in which a living person has a feeling or sense of direct contact with a deceased person.
We’ll discuss:
What is After-Death Communication (ADC)?
What are the types of ADC?
Who has ADC’s?
Are ADC’s helpful / beneficial?
What is induced after death communication?
ADC share and exchange of ADC experiences
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Connect in Grief™ - Registration for 06.15.24

Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - Friday, June 7, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
Explore your own creative, manifesting and healing powers
Strengthen connections and improve relationships
Expand your awareness, thinking & perception
Tap into your inner peace, joy and innate wellness
Come to this event with something specific that you’d like to work on, address or change about yourself, or your role in your own life.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Transform Your Life - Registration for 06.07.24

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - Friday, June 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Inspired Insights - Registration for 06.21..24

Iowa Metaphysical Fair - Des Moines, IA (Day 2)
Intuitive Medium - Darla Gray - Connect in Spirit™ Gathering - Mediumship Demonstration - Connect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit - Saturday, May 18 ,2024 @ 3:00 pm & Sunday, May 19, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - Iowa Metaphysical Fair - Des Moines, IA - Visit Darla's Booth for information on Alchemy of Insights™ online events and 1:1 consultations - Saturday, May 18, 2024: 11am- 8pm & Sunday, May 19th, 2024: 11am- 6pm - Intuitive - Mediumship - Soul to Soul - Life Strategy - Healing - Grief Integration - Transformation consultations.
Darla is a Certified Grief Educator, transformation & healing facilitator, life strategist, and intuitive medium who connects with loved ones in spirit. She delivers evidential details and messages to support the healing process. Darla offers intuitive, mediumship, soul to soul, transformation & healing consultations, healing circles, and a grief integration events, as well as training and development circles in person and online. She is also the founder of Alchemy of Insights™ which offers online events to help you maintain your zen and nurture your soul.

Iowa Metaphysical Fair - Des Moines, IA (Day 1)
Intuitive Medium - Darla Gray - Connect in Spirit™ Gathering - Mediumship Demonstration - Connect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit - Saturday, May 18 ,2024 @ 3:00 pm & Sunday, May 19, 2024 @ 12:00 pm - Iowa Metaphysical Fair - Des Moines, IA - Visit Darla's Booth for information on Alchemy of Insights™ online events and 1:1 consultations - Saturday, May 18, 2024: 11am- 8pm & Sunday, May 19th, 2024: 11am- 6pm - Intuitive - Mediumship - Soul to Soul - Life Strategy - Healing - Grief Integration - Transformation consultations.
Darla is a Certified Grief Educator, transformation & healing facilitator, life strategist, and intuitive medium who connects with loved ones in spirit. She delivers evidential details and messages to support the healing process. Darla offers intuitive, mediumship, soul to soul, transformation & healing consultations, healing circles, and a grief integration events, as well as training and development circles in person and online. She is also the founder of Alchemy of Insights™ which offers online events to help you maintain your zen and nurture your soul.

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - Friday, April 26, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Inspired Insights - Registration for 04.26.24

Wellness Expo - Grapevine, TX (Day 2)
Intuitive Medium - Darla Gray - Connect in Spirit Gathering - Mediumship Demonstration - Connect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit - Saturday, April 13 ,2024: 1:30 pm - Wellness Expo - Grapevine Texas - Visit Darla's Booth for information on Alchemy of Insights™ online events and 1:1 consultations - Saturday, April 13, 2024: 11am- 6pm & Sunday, April 14, 2024: 11am- 6pm - Intuitive - Mediumship - Soul to Soul - Life Strategy - Healing - Grief Integration - Transformation consultations.
Darla is a Certified Grief Educator, transformation & healing facilitator, life strategist, and intuitive medium who connects with loved ones in spirit. She delivers evidential details and messages to support the healing process. Darla offers intuitive, mediumship, soul to soul, transformation & healing consultations, healing circles, and a grief support group, as well as training and development circles in person and online.

Wellness Expo - Grapevine, TX (Day 1)
Intuitive Medium - Darla Gray - Connect in Spirit Gathering - Mediumship Demonstration - Connect with Your Loved Ones in Spirit - Saturday, April 13 ,2024: 1:30 pm - Wellness Expo - Grapevine Texas - Visit Darla's Booth for information on Alchemy of Insights™ online events and 1:1 consultations - Saturday, April 13, 2024: 11am- 6pm & Sunday, April 14, 2024: 11am- 6pm - Intuitive - Mediumship - Soul to Soul - Life Strategy - Healing - Grief Integration - Transformation consultations.
Darla is a Certified Grief Educator, transformation & healing facilitator, life strategist, and intuitive medium who connects with loved ones in spirit. She delivers evidential details and messages to support the healing process. Darla offers intuitive, mediumship, soul to soul, transformation & healing consultations, healing circles, and a grief support group, as well as training and development circles in person and online.

Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - Friday, April 12, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
Explore your own creative, manifesting and healing powers
Strengthen connections and improve relationships
Expand your awareness, thinking & perception
Tap into your inner peace, joy and innate wellness
Come to this event with something specific that you’d like to work on, address or change about yourself, or your role in your own life.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Transform Your Life - Registration for 04.12.24

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - Friday, March 22, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Inspired Insights - Registration for 03.22.24

Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Transform Your Life: Rejuvenate, Restore & Regenerate - Friday, March 15, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
Explore your own creative, manifesting and healing powers
Strengthen connections and improve relationships
Expand your awareness, thinking & perception
Tap into your inner peace, joy and innate wellness
Come to this event with something specific that you’d like to work on, address or change about yourself, or your role in your own life.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Transform Your Life - Registration for 03.15.24

Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - An Alchemy of Insights™ Event
An Alchemy of Insights™ Event - Inspired Insights: Wisdom & Healing Energy thru the Veil - Friday, March 1, 2024 at 3:00 pm CST - Free Online Event
In these uniquely inspiring events, Darla enters an altered state of consciousness and shares insights which initiate from a word, phrase, question or theme of the day. The messages and energy cross the veil imparting wisdom from everyday earthly to that which is uncommonly insightful and may even be transformative. Of high vibrational frequency, nurturing and loving, the messages are positive, peaceful, generally thought-provoking, and some say healing. General vocabulary, grammar and accents may change as different dialects emerge.
For more info & to reserve your spot, visit Alchemy of Insights™ website event page:
Alchemy of Insights – Inspired Insights - Registration for 03.01.24