Connect in Spirit™
Darla connects with loved ones in spirit and high vibration consciousness, bringing forth evidential detail and messages in support of the healing process.
She has studied and practiced mediumship for over 15 years and has shared her knowledge by training other mediums and leading development circles. Darla considers herself fortunate to have studied and trained with many of the top and most recognized mediums from across the globe in the ongoing development of her abilities. As with all mediums, her abilities are a work-in-progress and ever changing. She has the greatest appreciation and respect for her work with spirit and takes the work very seriously, always starting with the intention to support the healing process and the best interest of all.
Darla is an intuitive medium who communicates with those who are currently in spirit. Her mediumship abilities allow her to see, hear, sense and speak with loved ones who have crossed over to the spirit world. She serves as a facilitator of communication with those in spirit and is clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant and clairsentient. As such, Darla sees images and visions, hears messages, receives thought transmissions and has heightened sensory and feeling sensations that provide clear understanding of what she needs to know and what is to be conveyed in terms of both evidential detail and messages. These abilities, her communication of the details and the personal messages, as well as the energy that surrounds her, enable each person to know and/or feel the loved one is present, and that experience and the connection is real.
She offers both individual and group intuitive mediumship sessions to connect loved ones in spirit with those who remain here in our physical realm. Darla also offers intuitive, soul to soul and life strategy consultations. During an intuitive consultation, Darla tunes in to what is happening in your life, seeks insight and shares information that will be helpful to you. In a soul to soul consultation, Darla connects with your soul and conveys what your soul wants you to know. Life strategy consultations explore want you want and where you are currently headed, as well as how to reach greater alignment between the two. Tremendous emotional healing as well as laughter and tears often occur during these sessions.
Prior to each session, Darla sets the intention that all information be received and communicated with great clarity which will support heightened understanding, growth and healing – all consistent with each person’s free will choice, best interest and highest good and supporting all aspects of the human experience: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. See Connect in Spirit™ for events, training and additional information.